This film tells the story of Halle (Nova Eliza), a talented musician who had worked as a waitress in a bar to support herself. Halle has the aspiration to have a partner in accordance with the principle of his life. In addition, he also has dreams of becoming a successful singer.
Unfortunately, unlike Halle's personal life expectations. He often broken heart, deceived, abandoned, abused, which makes sanctions upon the sincerity of men who approached him. To amuse himself, he fills the show in place to work, singing his songs and the song.
One day, the action attracted the attention of Halle singing Andra (Dewa 19) and Kevin Purba (Restu Sinaga) a music producer and direct him to join the label. Is it that easy to penetrate the music industry? Or only disappointment is waiting for Halle for the umpteenth time?
Cast: Nova Eliza, Restu Sinaga, Julia Perez
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Country: Indonesia
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